Juicebox is a platform that lets you easily create and share beautiful, interactive data visualization report. No code required!
A Juicebox report is the solution you create with Juicebox. Here's an example of a Juicebox report. Each report has its own URL and you manage who can view it or make changes to it.
Parts of a Juicebox report
So what makes up a Juicebox report? Each report has the following parts that flow in a hierarchy:
A story (or data story) is a set of charts (i.e., data visualizations) presented on a single page, similar to a data dashboard. Each story should be tightly focused on a particular audience and purpose and gently guide users to the actionable insights they need. Within each story are sections, and within each section are slices. (Support for multiple stories per report is planned for a future version.)
Each section is composed of one or more slices. Sections allow you to control layouts and background colors within the story.
βSlices are the basic building blocks of your story. Each slice can have text and/or charts.
Juicebox magic
We've built a lot of magic into the Juicebox platform, including:
No code required. You can build a Juicebox report entirely from your computer browser using the editing panel. If you know how to create a formula in a spreadsheet, you are ready to start building reports.
Interactivity is automatic. Selections made in slices above automatically flow down to the slices below, allowing users to drill down and drive the story where they want to go. We call this data flow.
Sharing is the point. Juicebox reports are meant to be shared--easily and widely.